Sunday, May 18, 2008

ALA Gaming News Blog!

Game On: Games in Libraries was created in 2005 as a supplement to the Google LibGaming email group, a forum for discussion of gaming in libraries. Thanks to our contributors, who included Kelly Czarnecki, Matt Gullett, John Scalzo, and Jami Schwarzwalder.

I've been invited to blog for ALA; please visit for news about all types of gaming in all types of libraries.

Thanks for reading!

Beth G.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We started Get your Game On, Gaming @your library in April 2008 with a borrowed wii and Guitar Hero II.This past month our TAG group presented to the Friends group hoping to get additional funds to add to their $500 and purchase equipment for our branch. After a well put together presentation by three teens, the Friends voted to give them double their own savings, $1000.Our library now owns both a Wii and PS3 plus games and controllers. The first event with both had 35 teens turn up and was so successful we will be doing this bi-monthly.