Thursday, March 30, 2006

Politics and Gaming

It seems that with the creation of the Video Game Voters Network, the Federal Government has started paying more attention to the positive benefits of gaming.

The committee on Energy and Commerce of the House held a hearing on
Digital Content and Enabling Technology: Satisfying the 21st Century Consumer

The United States Senate committee of Judiciaryheld a panel on
"What's in a Game? State Regulation of Violent Video Games and the First Amendment "

Many states are holding hearings, attempting to pass laws, and taking sides on this issue.

Just to name a few

All while the FTC reports that fewer "mature" video games are being sold to minors

An attorney who defends game developers speaks at the game developers conference

And Cognitive Daily writes about why not everyone becomes aggressive from games

This is an interesting time for video games.

1 comment:

Eiseldora said...

Notes from the Senate hearing can be found at Next Gen . biz